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Free Range Smoked Slipper Gammon Joint


Smoked Gammon Slipper Joint – 1.3-1.5kg.

SKU: SSJ Categories: ,

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Free Range Smoked Slipper Gammon Joint is a delicious joint of pork. Taken from the inside of the leg, this is an extremely lean joint with no rind. Perfect for boiling or roasting, your Slipper Joint will arrive trimmed and netted. Because of the tenderness of this joint it is the perfect pork to use for all your classic smoked pork recipes.

We pride ourselves on the quality of our pork products and to ensure this, all our joints come  from British, outdoor reared pigs only.

To cure our meat we only use natural processes so the product is free of chemicals. Ultimately this helps the people who prefer to know the manner in which their food is prepared. Finally we then take the slipper joint and smoke it naturally over oak chips.

Our Free Range Slipper Gammon Joints are perfect for a weeknight supper. Suitable to either boil or roast.  If boiled, it will create what is sometimes referred to as ‘mini ham’ so you end up with an extremely tender and succulent ham. Slipper gammon joints are a great choice if you want ham for a small number of people.

The Smoked Slipper Gammon Joint is also available unsmoked.

Take a look on how to cook your Slipper Gammon Joint.

Curing: Smoked
Fat: Very lean joint
Weight: 1.3-1.5kg


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